Jeep Tour of Southern Bolivia – Volcanoes and Lagoons

The rest of the jeep tour was spent driving through some really beautiful landscapes.  We saw some cute animals…

Andean Fox Rabbit/Squirel

some crazy rock formations…

Lion Rock

Arbol de Piedra

and a lot of volcanoes and colored lagoons (complete with flamingos).

First Volcano First Lagoon Lagoon Colorada Lagoon Colorada 2 Group Picture Lagoon Colorada 3

Laguna Verde

Along the way, we saw some steaming geysers and bubbling sulfur pools.

Geiser Boiling Sulfer

We stopped to relax in a hot spring one day to break up the drive before continuing on through snow capped mountains and then the Dali Desert.

Thermal Pool Jeep and the mountains Dali Desert

The accommodations were definitely the most “rustic” that we’ve stayed in so far.  Most of the roofs of the hostels were held down by rocks (and tires!) and the final night, we put on almost everything that we owned to try to stay warm.

Second Night hostel Last night dinner

The tour ended at the border between Bolivia and Chile (which was one lonely building) where we said bye to Roberto and Julia and took a transfer to San Pedro de Atacama.  Overall, our 4 day jeep tour has been one of the highlights of our trip so far!

Crossing out of Bolivia Roberto y Julia